Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Changing of the Guard? My advice to the WWE

After what happened last Sunday and Monday, I have to do a follow-up blog. Anyone who watched the Money in the Bank Pay-Per-View thought that John Cena was going be fired for not beating CM Punk last Sunday. Even if you didn't, NO ONE thought that Cena was really to going to be fired. Who fires your ultimate money-maker? 

Anyways, the ending of ending of Monday Night Raw was totally unexpected. NO ONE expected Triple H to come out, let alone give the announcement that would shock the wrestling world. I don't know what's real or not, but I do know the WWE has issues to fix. The frustrating part is that these problems are not hard to fix. Here are my top 5 things the WWE needs to fix. Hope you enjoy my reasons why. 

1. Do not release John Cena, REBRAND HIM!!! 

Most of you Cena Haters would love to see him get fired last Monday. You didn't get your wish. He's not going anywhere guys. He has an important match with The Rock at WrestleMania 28. 

I do believe he does need some time off from the WWE. I think it would be beneficial to both the fans (older fans) and John Cena himself. During his time off, the WWE can help rebrand Cena. If it worked for Randy Orton (Legend Killer to The Viper), it can work for John Cena. He can still appeal to women and kids, but he needs an edge for the male fans to like him. My guess is a mixture of the current John Cena and the "Doctor of Thuggnamonics" John Cena. Many people forget that John Cena was a heel back in the day. Since he gets booed regardless, I hope he gives us a reason to boo him. 

It can only improve his chances when he becomes WWE Champion again, and faces The Rock at WrestleMania 28. He would not beat The Rock (who hasn't a match since 2004) with the same five moves like he does everyone else.  

After his time off (hopefully), I want to see a new and improved John Cena. New theme music, different wrestling moves, and a new attitude for C-Nation. I personally prefer The Chain Gang, but that's just me. I actually want his match with The Rock to be a classic match. After The Rock owned Cena on the mic before WrestleMania 27, I want to see John Cena make a comeback verbally. He won't beat The Rock on the mic (nobody does), but at least make it more entertaining. 

2. End the PG Era, or limit it to one show 

It's obvious that the story lines need to be better, but the WWE has to end the PG Era. If the WWE still wants to keep it, here's my idea. Make Monday Night Raw TV-14, Smackdown TV-PG, and all Pay-Per-View events either TV-14 or TV-MA. This way there's something for every WWE fan and Pay-Per-View events can be exciting again. This will give all the WWE stars more room to be more edgy, risque, and still be themselves. All the violence and foul language from the Attitude Era will be back. It can even be taken to another event once the event is on Pay-Per-View. Let's hope all the "more-talk-less-wrestling" shows will officially end. 

With this rating in tact, put John Cena back on Smackdown and Randy Orton on Raw. I feel like both wrestlers should are on the wrong shows. It's time for Randy Orton to be the face of Monday Night Raw and/or WWE. Cena can be still be a superstar, but in a smaller role on Smackdown. I feel ratings will go up on BOTH shows once the switch is made. On a side note, limit Michael Cole to Raw and leave him off Smackdown. I like Booker T and Josh Matthew's commentating so keep him to one show only.

3. Bring CM Punk back for WrestleMania 28 

The winner between The Miz vs. Rey Mysterio will the new WWE Champion. Keep in mind Alberto Del Rio can cash in his "Money in the Bank" briefcase and become Champion as well. You might fool some of the WWE fans, but most wrestling fans know who the REAL WWE Champion is. That man is CM Punk. 

I can see him coming back at the Royal Rumble. I don't think he'll win it, but at least he'll be the last 5 or 6 wrestlers in it. From there, he can face Triple H at WrestleMania 28. It won't be the main event, but it will be main event material. All the talk (real or not) he said about the Triple H and the McMahon family can be fuel for a great match adding to main event card. I can only imagine the build-up both of those guys can do for that match. Even if CM Punk is the TRUE WWE Champion then, I still want to match to be a non-title match. Only the Rock/Cena match should be for the WWE Title. He can face both wrestlers in another Pay-Per-View event, but not WrestleMania. 

Many people thought that Triple H will face the Undertaker at WrestleMania. Why? I know the match will be good, but we have seen this before.... Twice. Nobody has faced the Undertaker three times at WrestleMania. Kane, HBK, and Triple H faced him twice and they all lost. 

I would give Randy Orton another shot at the Undertaker. He's more popular now than the last time he faced him. For me, the BEST choice is The Big Show. He faced the Undertaker before at WrestleMania, but it wasn't one-on-one. This time, he can get a main-event match with the Undertaker with home-field advantage in Miami. The Big Show lives in South Florida and well-known in the community. I think he's the best fit to end the Undertaker's streak, or the Deadman leaving Miami at 20-0. Ironically, he could leave Miami with a better streak than 72' Miami Dolphins. 

4. Market the DIvas More 

The most frustrating part about the current WWE is the lack-of-interest with the WWE Divas. I'm starting to miss Trish Stratus and Lita more after watching these Diva matches. 

The problems is not the looks, it's the in-ring ability. Even when some of these Divas can wrestler, the match is just not fun to watch. They have Divas like Beth Phoenix, Eve, Melina, Natalya, and others who I actually like to see in and out the ring. With some of them, well, I'm still holding judgement. I would love to see better story lines for them as well. It wouldn't hurt to see them a Pay-Per-View event every now and then. Leaving most, if not all, the WWE Divas out of Pay-Per-View events is just plain disrespectful. 

We all know the WWE Divas are the most beautiful women in the world. I would love to see them marketed that way. I remember when the WWE had a Divas magazine back in 2001 with Lita on the front cover. One of the best purchases I ever bought as a 14 year old kid. Why can't the WWE do that today? Don't bring the "it's the PG Era" excuse because I was a kid when that magazine came out. I knew 8 year-olds who bought that magazine and no one complained about it. 

Let's bring back the WWE Divas being on Playboy again. If not Playboy, then let's say Maxim. Anyway to showcase the Divas in a tasteful manner, I'm all for it. I love to see a Bikini Contest around SummerSlam. It likely won't happen, but it's fitting with the whole SummerSlam theme. I would also like to see a Bra & Panties match again. Sounds like this match fits the Extreme Rules Pay-Per-View event. 

5. Listen to the Fans (At least the smart ones)

You'll be surprised how smart the WWE fans can be at times. Not all of us are stupid kids or dumb adults. I would to have the younger generation see the excitement that was the Attitude Era. This PG Era was watered down what the WWE used to be. It doesn't have to be The Attitude Era of years past, but please bring some edge to these shows. I tune in to watch a wresting event, not a Disney show. 

I agree with most of the WWE is doing with giving certain wrestlers the push they deserve like John Morrison, The Miz, and Alberto Del Rio. They're not big-time starts yet, but at least give them the chance to be one. The WWE is starting to do that now. Most of the WWE fans just want to see good entertainment overall. We're here to help the product and not hurt it. To the older WWE fans, the PG Era has hurt it enough. 

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