Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Rock vs. Cena: More than a Wrestling Match

On April 1st, 2012, two of the biggest names in a pro wrestling will collide at WrestleMania 28. It's gonna be The Rock challenging John Cena for the WWE Title in The Rock's hometown of Miami, Florida. John Cena has the belt right now, but the WWE will give him the title back in time before WrestleMania. It will be a battle between the two biggest stars in the WWE representing two different generations. In order to understand the title (More than a wrestling match), you need to understand the two wrestlers and the era they represent. Not to mention the current state of the WWE. 

The Rock & The Attitude Era 

Before there was a John Cena, there was The Rock. A third generation superstar who debuted in the WWF (old name) in 1996. He left in 2004 to make movies. During his eight-year career, he became one of the biggest stars in WWF history. He was up there wrestling legends like Hulk Hogan, Andre The Giant, and his rival, Stone Cold Steve Austin. His matches and unique charisma build the company into the Attitude Era in the WWF. His style transcended into pop culture. Winning the WWF Title has harder back then because was only one belt at the time. He became a 7-time WWF champion as a heel. The Rock had too many rivalries to count. His most famous rivalries were between Stone Cold, Triple H, and Mankind. The Rock's success in movies payed the way for other WWE superstars (like John Cena) to be in movies. I believe that WWE Films wouldn't exist without The Rock's success in movies. 

The Attitude Era was between 1997-2001. It was known as the WWF (World Wrestling Federation) back then. I'll give to 2002 since it went from the WWF to the the WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) in 2002. It was supposed to be for older teens and adult males, but kids were watching it to. I know because I was one of those young kids watching the WWF at that time. I know I'm not the only one. This era of wrestling was that kids/adults loved and the parents/most women hated. There was chair shots, people bleeding, numerous foul language (the worst was bleeped out), and violent matches. In the midst of all that, they were wrestlers who can promote themselves on the microphone and back it up in the ring. I saw a lot of innovative wrestling moves during this time period. An added bonus was seeing women in less clothing. The WWE Divas (Female wrestlers) back then had "Bra & Panties" match. First one stripped to there bra & panties loses. A little example of what the Attitude Era was like back then. There were other example I could use, but fans of the Attitude Era know what I'm talking about. 

John Cena & The Current PG Era 

John Cena has been in the WWE since 2002. He really didn't become a rising superstar until 2004. Ironically, this was the time that The Rock left to do movies. His reign as the United States Champion gave him more attention to WWE fans. His custom-made US Title gave Cena more attention as a rising star. Since winning the WWE title at WrestleMania 21, he never looked back. The custom-made WWE Title was made to cater to the style of John Cena. It officially became the new look for anyone who becomes the WWE Champion from that day on. He's been a good guy ever since he won the title. Many fans started to rebel against Cena by booing him, even when he's supposed to be cheered. 

My only issue with John Cena is that he didn't have legit rivals in his career. He had Brock Lesnar as a heel, Edge back in 2006, and Bastista before he left. My favorite rivalry was when Cena faced Randy Orton in 2009. 

The WWE officially went into the current PG Era sometime in 2008. The move would appeal to women and kids who make up 40% of their television viewers. This era has little to no cussing, little blood, little use of steel chairs, and no "adult-themed" events. Everything that the Attitude Era was, the PG Era is the opposite. I didn't have a problem with it because the show was still entertaining and still appealed to other 60% (myself included) who was a long-time male viewers. Ever since John Cena's finishing move changed from the "F.U." to the "Attitude Adjustment", I really noticed multiple changes in the WWE. I knew then that sometime was up, but wasn't prepared for the era that came after it. 

Issues with the Current PG Era 

It pains me to see the WWE today from what it used to be. I grew up in the Attitude Era, but those days are long gone. The problem with the WWE is not that it's fake, it's not entertaining. Even from the name change (2002) to when I was in college from 2005-2008, the WWE was still entertaining. I can barely watch Monday Night Raw anymore. The anonymous GM, Michael Cole's bad jokes, and Cena doing the same act every week, is frustrating to watch. I see a whole lot of talking and never enough wrestling. Instead of complaining about the show, I just stopped watching all together. All the violence and "attitude" the WWE had back then was quickly erased. Many WWE suerstars didn't like the direction the company was going. Many of those superstars (like Bastista) has left the WWE. No word on if any of those former stars will come back. 

I'll give Smackdown a chance because it's at least entertaining. I like Booker T as a commentator and lots of young talent around Randy Orton. He should be the face Monday Night Raw and/or WWE, but at least his versatility (face or heel) can open the door for other stars like Shameus and Christian. 

I haven't watched a Pay-Per-View event since Bragging Rights 2009, but I hear people getting ripped off when their entertainment. $45 to watch an extended Monday Night Raw? In this current economy? NO Thanks!!! I've hear that Smackdown portion at least tries, so that's saying something. 

To many of the older male fans like myself, The Rock is our last hope of restoring the WWE to what is was back then. He speaks for us who have been tired of the same, rehashed material the WWE puts out every Monday and sometimes Friday (aired on Tuesday). Were all tired of John Cena's stale mic skills and lack of in-ring performance. I feel like he's getting worse every time I watch his matches. I actually like John Cena, but he's boring me right now. Where was the Chain Gang attitude from a few years ago? Even the "Doctor of Thugganomics" was better than the current John Cena. CM Punk had his moment. Hopefully the Rock finishes it by becoming the the new WWE at WrestleMania. We all want this PG Era to end badly, but will it end?
My WrestleMania 28 Prediction

The build up for this match will probably be the biggest thing to hit the WWE in a long time. The match will be bigger than the Rock vs. Hogan ten years ago. We have the Rock, who's a WWE Legend/Current Movie Star. We have John Cena, the face of the WWE in the prime of his career. John Cena has had rivals in the past, but this rivalry with the Rock will stick for years to come. This match will be a fair one-on-one match given the magnitude of this event. I'm guessing it's going to be a No Disqualification Match or a No Holds Barred Match to make sure there's a winner in Miami. 

My prediction is on the People's Champion The Rock. I think the WWE will FINALLY do something right and let him win in his hometown of Miami. That would mean that the The Rock (Attitude Era) will be 2-0 against Hulk Hogan (Face of the 80's Era) & John Cena (Face of current PG Era). John Cena stared this whole thing by bashing him the newspaper back in 2008. He challenged him to a match at WrestleMania 26 the following year. Although I agree with most of Cena's statements, He ran his mouth first. That's why I think Cena will FINALLY get his in the Rock's hometown of Miami. Hopefully Cena shows class after the match. If he doesn't, the fans could hate him more than Cleveland fans do Lebron James. 

It will be interesting to see what the Rock will do as the new WWE Champion. Most of the older male fans who abandon the new WWE will be back if he wins at WrestleMania. Do I expect him to come back full-time? NO!! He's a movie star now. What I would like to see him do is help the upcoming stars (Del Rio, Miz, R-Truth, Kofi, etc) bring the WWE to a brand new Era. My prediction being a mix of the PG Era & Attitude Era. Something for every WWE viewer. The old Attitude Era will NEVER be to what it used to back then. Everybody (most older male fans) are tired of the current PG Era and ready for a change of direction. Hopefully The Rock does this in his short time with the WWE. Maybe John Cena can finally be a heel again. Now that would be fun to watch. 

As much as I'm pulling for The Rock at WrestleMania, I can also see John Cena retaining the WWE Title. All I got to say is this. I hope Sun Life Stadium has extra security because that loss could cause a riot in Miami. Don't think Miami fans can do it? They can. Remember when Cena faced RVD at One Night Stand? Remember the lack of respect Cena got at that event? Remember the sign "If Cena wins, we RIOT"? I assume it's going to be something like that in Miami, only not as bad as ECW fans. Miami HATES everything Boston. They hate The Celtics, Patriots, and at WrestleMania in Miami, will HATE Boston-native John Cena. 

To me, it's not if John Cena wins, but HOW he wins. If he improves his skills in the ring, has a classic match, and beats the Rock, I can live with that. The older fans will be 50-50 on returning, but can live with the results myself. If he beats The Rock like he did Triple H at WrestleMania 22, than I'm DONE with the WWE. Hate to see innocent people injured at a wrestling event (like WM24 in Orlando), but it could happen if John Cena walks out of Miami with the WWE Title. 

The Build Up to WrestleMania 

I don't see John Cena holding the belt for the rest of 2011. He will lose to someone (Likely CM Punk or Alberto Del Rio) and have a leave of absence via injury or time off. I hope he does this because I want both wrestlers at 100% heading to WrestleMania 28. I like Cena, but we ALL (older male fans) need a little break from his signature moves. That would mean WWE Management will have to find a new face to fill in for Cena. They have guys like Del Rio, John Morrison, and the Miz to do that. The question is this. Will the WWE give them a shot? Until that time, let's make Smackdown the flagship show in the WWE. At least that show has potential. Hopefully this feud can bring the WWE back to life. If the build up is anything like the build-up for WrestleMania 27 this year, I can only imagine the build up for next year. In words of Bart Scott, Can't Wait!!  
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