Tuesday, March 19, 2013

From Band Student to Band Student

Locals of the Fort Walton Beach area knows about what's going on with the Fort Walton Beach High School Band (FWBHS for short). For those who don't, here's the link explaining the whole situation: 

There's a lot of reaction in this town. Many are upset & angry about the whole situation. Many ex-band members (me included) have support of Band Director Randy Folsom (I still call him Mr. Folsom). As a former FWBHS Band Member, this story hits too close to home. When the CNN report used the phrase "Affirmative Action"and the Northwest Florida Daily News used the word "discrimination", I had to response because I am a former band member of color. Here's my credentials on why I have a voice in this story.

1. Played Alto Saxophone for 7 years (3 in Bruner & 4 at FWBHS)
2. Symphonic Band member for the last 7 of my 8 Semesters.  
3. Have NO issues with Mr. Folsom & had a good standing with the band

I'm not commenting much because there's a lot we don't know. I will try to find out more in the future. If FWBHS doesn't want the general public to know more of the story, that's fine. The people that deserve the truth are former FWBHS band members like myself. We know how band life is better than anyone. To hear my response to this story, read my message at the bottom to the student in question. If anyone knows this student, please pass this blog to that student. 

Dear Student in Question, 

I have never met you or seen you before. I am one of the few people you can voice my opinion to you and have merit to back it up. If I'm saying anything wrong or want to correct me, I have my email at the bottom to voice your opinion. 

I'm guessing your a young black women around your freshmen or sophomore year. I could be wrong. I'm guessing your a good student since you play in the band. The link mentioned you in a church activity so I guess your heart is in the right place. Despite the hate or disgust you hear from this story, no one hates you. Some of even feel bad for you. 

I don't think you understand what has just happen. I will NEVER question your parents because that's not my place. Please understand that your parents, not you, are taking a lot of negative heat in the media. Mr. Folsom was my band director for four years. If you work hard, you will be rewarded. End of story. Getting emotional and quitting will not work. His reputation as a Band Director is in question right now. I wouldn't be playing in band if Mr. Folsom was the person you think he is right now. In my opinion, he doesn't deserve this. He wants the best group because were going against the best in other schools. It's bigger than one person. 

You were given the opportunity to go back to 5th period Symphonic Band, despite the outside disdain against you for doing something you didn't earn. My advice is to go back to CONCERT BAND next semester and EARN your way to Symphonic Band the following semester. Trust me, you'll earn the respect of not just Mr. Folsom, but your peers & Mr. Fields as well. You can become the greatest comeback story in Viking Band history. You can turn this negative story into a positive, almost legendary, story because your the anonymous one in the news. Think about the positive publicity you and the FWBHS band gets when you go on the road because you decided to EARN your way to the top. You can change the strained relationship your parents have with Mr. Folsom. 

It appears that you have trouble with the 12 scales. I had the same problem my freshmen year. The new scales had me more lost. I complained at first, but I learned it and EARNED my way to Symphonic Band where I was all through high school. Don't think being in Symphonic Band will solve your problems, in some cases, it's just the beginning. You think Mr. Folsom is hard on you now, wait until you get into Symphonic Band. You want to be elite, your going to need elite/tough skin. Practicing more is a requirement in that band. 

I hope you back to the FWBHS band, but remember it won't be easy when you do. You have to earn respect of everyone all over again. Even when I had no issues with fellow band members, it can be a very lonely place when your band player of color. I can imagine the lonely feeling you'll have if you come back. Stick to people who support you. I want NO credit for your turnaround, I just want to see you reach your goals. My email address is drewjrman@yahoo.com if you want to respond. Would love to meet you person. Hope this blog helps. 


Andrew Craig Jr. 
FWBHS Band Member (01' - 05')

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